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Customizable controls

One of the things that we wanted to support from day one is customizable controls on resource pages.


At the moment, only the Show view has customizable controls.

Default buttons

By default, Avo displays a few buttons for the user to use on the Index, Show, and Edit views which you can override using the appropriate resource options.

Show page

On the Show view the default configuration is back_button, delete_button, detach_button, actions_list, and edit_button. You can override them using show_controls.

Customize the controls

To start customizing the buttons, add a show_controls block and start adding the desired controls.

class FishResource < Avo::BaseResource
  self.show_controls = -> do
    back_button label: "", title: "Go back now"
    link_to "", "", icon: "heroicons/outline/academic-cap", target: :_blank
    link_to "Turbo demo", "/admin/resources/fish/#{params[:id]}?change_to=🚀🚀🚀 New content here 🚀🚀🚀",
      class: ".custom-class",
      data: {
        turbo_frame: "fish_custom_action_demo"
    delete_button label: "", title: "something"
    detach_button label: "", title: "something"
    actions_list exclude: [ReleaseFish], style: :primary, color: :slate
    action ReleaseFish, style: :primary, color: :fuchsia, icon: "heroicons/outline/globe"
    edit_button label: ""


A control is an item that you can place in a designated area. They can be one of the default ones like back_button, delete_button, or edit_button to custom ones like link_to or action.

You may use the following controls:


Links to a previous page. The link is not a `history.back()` action. It's computed based on the parameters sent by Avo. That ensures the user has consistent hierarchical progress through the app.

Supported options

label, title, style, color, and icon.


Adds the appropriate destroy form. It will take into account your authorization policy rules.

Supported options

label, title, style, color, and icon.


Adds the appropriate detach form. It's visible only on the association (`has_one`) page. It will take into account your authorization policy rules.

Supported options

label, title, style, color, and icon.


A dropdown where the user can see and run all the actions assigned to that resource.

Supported options

label, title, style, color, icon, and exclude.

exclude option

Filters out the specified actions.

It's used in conjunction with the action control. For example, when you extract an action, you don't want it to be displayed in the actions_list anymore, so you use the exclude option to filter it out.


actions_list exclude: DisableAccount
# Or
actions_list exclude: [ExportSelection, PublishPost]


Links to the record edit page.

Supported options

label, title, style, color, and icon.

Renders a link to a path set by you.

Supported options

title, style, color, icon, target, data, and class.


Renders a button that triggers an action. You must provide it an [Action](./actions) class.

Supported options

title, style, color, and icon.


action DisableAccount
action ExportSelection, style: :text
action PublishPost, color: :fuchsia, icon: "heroicons/outline/eye"


The way show_controls works is like a shortcut the the actions that you already declared on your resource, so you should also declare it on the resource as you normally would in order to have it here.

class FishResource < Avo::BaseResource
  self.title = :name

  self.show_controls = -> do
    # In order to use it here
    action ReleaseFish, style: :primary, color: :fuchsia

  # Also declare it here
  action ReleaseFish, arguments: { both_actions: "Will use them" }

Control Options


Sets the tooltip for that control.

Possible values

Any string value.


Sets the `style` attribute for the [`Avo::ButtonComponent`](

Possible values

:primary, :outline, :text


Sets the `color` attribute for the [`Avo::ButtonComponent`](

Possible values

Can be any color of Tailwind's default color pallete as a symbol.


Sets the icon for that button.

Possible values

Any Heroicon you want. You must specify the style of the heroicon like so heoricons/outline/academic-cap or heroicons/solid/adjustments.


Sets the target for that control. So whatever you pass here will be passed to the control.

Possible values

:_blank, :_top, :_self


Sets the classes for that control.

Possible values

Any string value.

Conditionally hiding/showing actions

Actions have the visible block where you can control the visibility of an action. In the context of show_controls that block is not taken into account, but yiou can use regular if/else statements because the action declaration is wrapped in a block.

class FishResource < Avo::BaseResource
  self.show_controls = -> do
    back_button label: "", title: "Go back now"

    # visibility conditional
    if record.something?
      action ReleaseFish, style: :primary, color: :fuchsia, icon: "heroicons/outline/globe"

    edit_button label: ""