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Evaluation hosts

Avo is a package that does a lot of meta-programming. That means we have a lot of custom functionality passed from the host app to Avo to be executed at different points in time. That functionality can't always be performed in void but requires some pieces of state. We're going to talk all about them below. You'll probably never be going to implement the hosts yourself, but you'll want to know what they contain and how they work.

Usually, this happens using lambdas. That's why we created the concept of a Host.

What's a host?

A Host is an object that holds some pieces of state on which we execute a lambda function.

require "dry-initializer"

# This object holds some data that is usually needed to compute blocks around the app.
module Avo
  module Hosts
    class BaseHost
      extend Dry::Initializer

      option :context, default: proc { Avo::App.context }
      option :params, default: proc { Avo::App.params }
      option :view_context, default: proc { Avo::App.view_context }
      option :current_user, default: proc { Avo::App.current_user }
      # This is optional because we might instantiate the `Host` first and later hydrate it with a block.
      option :block, optional: true
      delegate :authorize, to: Avo::Services::AuthorizationService

      def handle

# Use it like so. &some_block).handle


The BaseHost holds some of the most basic pieces of state like the request params, Avo's context object, the view_context object, and the current_user.

As the name states, this is the base host. All other hosts are inherited from it.


The params object is the regular params object you are used to.

Avo's context object

As you progress throughout building your app, you'll probably configure a context object to hold some custom state you need. For example, in BaseHost you have access to this object.

The view_context object

The view_context object can be used to create the route helpers you are used to (EX: posts_path, new_comment_path, etc.).

When dealing with the view_context you have to lean on the object to get those paths. Also, because we are operating under an engine (Avo), the paths must be prefixed with the engine name. Rails' is main_app. So if you'd like to output a route to your app /comments/5/edit, instead of writing edit_comment_path 5, you'd write view_context.main_app.edit_comment_path 5.

The current user

Provided that you set up the :current_user_method, you'll have access to that output using current_user in this block.

Evaluating the block

We talked about the host and the pieces of state it holds; now, let's talk about how we can use it.

You're not going to use it when building with Avo. Instead, it's used internally when you pass a block to customize the behavior. For example, it's used when declaring the visibility block on dashboards or when you try pre-filling the suggestions for the tags field.

Not all blocks you declare in Avo will be executed in a Host. We started implementing Hosts since v2.0 after the experience gained with v1.0. We plan on refactoring the old block to hosts at some point, but that's going to be a breaking change, so probably in v3.0. You'll probably be prompted in the docs on each block if it's a Host or not.

Different hosts have different pieces of state.


The RecordHost inherits from BaseHost and has the record available. The record is the model class instantiated with the DB information (like doing User.find 1) in that context.


The ViewRecordHost inherits from RecordHost and has the view object available too.


The ResourceViewRecordHost inherits from ViewRecordHost and has the resource object available too.


The AssociationScopeHost inherits from BaseHost and has the parent and the query objects available. The parent is the instantiated model on which the block is given and the query is the actual query that is going to run.