is based on the Current
pattern Rails exposes using ActiveSupport/CurrentAttributes
On each request Avo will set some values on it.
-> user
This is what will be returned by the [`current_user_method`](./authentication.html#customize-the-current-user-method) that you've set in your initializer.
-> params
Equivalent of `request.params`.
-> request
The Rails `request`.
-> context
The [`context`](./customization.html#context) that you configured in your initializer evaluated in `Avo::ApplicationController`.
-> view_context
An instance of [`ActionView::Rendering`](https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Rendering.html#method-i-view_context) off of which you can run any methods or variables that are available in your partials.
view_context.link_to "Avo", "https://avohq.io"
-> locale
The `locale` of the app.
-> tenant_id
You can set the `tenant_id` for the current request.
-> tenant
You can set the `tenant` for the current request.