Customizable controls ​

One of the things that we wanted to support from day one is customizable controls on resource pages, and now, Avo supports customizable controls on Index
, Show
, and Edit
views and for the table row.
Default controls ​
By default, Avo displays a few buttons (controls) for the user to use on the Index
, Show
, and Edit
views which you can override using the appropriate resource options.

Customize the controls ​
You can take over and customize them all using the index_controls
, show_controls
, edit_controls
, and row_controls
class attributes.
-> Show page
On the Show
view the default configuration is back_button
, delete_button
, detach_button
, actions_list
, and edit_button
To start customizing the controls, add a show_controls
block and start adding the desired controls.
class Avo::Resources::Fish < Avo::BaseResource
self.show_controls = -> do
back_button label: "", title: "Go back now"
link_to "", "", icon: "heroicons/outline/academic-cap", target: :_blank
link_to "Turbo demo", "/admin/resources/fish/#{params[:id]}?change_to=🚀🚀🚀 New content here 🚀🚀🚀",
class: ".custom-class",
data: {
turbo_frame: "fish_custom_action_demo"
delete_button label: "", title: "something"
detach_button label: "", title: "something"
actions_list label: "Runnables", exclude: [ReleaseFish], style: :primary, color: :slate
action Avo::Actions::ReleaseFish, style: :primary, color: :fuchsia, icon: "heroicons/outline/globe"
edit_button label: ""

-> Edit page
On the Edit
view the default configuration is back_button
, delete_button
, actions_list
, and save_button
To start customizing the controls, add a edit_controls
block and start adding the desired controls.
class Avo::Resources::Fish < Avo::BaseResource
self.edit_controls = -> do
back_button label: "", title: "Go back now"
link_to "", "", icon: "heroicons/outline/academic-cap", target: :_blank
delete_button label: "", title: "something"
detach_button label: "", title: "something"
actions_list exclude: [Avo::Actions::ReleaseFish], style: :primary, color: :slate, label: "Runnables"
action Avo::Actions::ReleaseFish, style: :primary, color: :fuchsia, icon: "heroicons/outline/globe" if view != :new
save_button label: "Save Fish"

-> Index page
On the Index
view the default configuration contains the actions_list
, attach_button
, and create_button
To start customizing the controls, add a index_controls
block and start adding the desired controls.
class Avo::Resources::Fish < Avo::BaseResource
self.index_controls = -> do
link_to "", "", icon: "heroicons/outline/academic-cap", target: :_blank
actions_list exclude: [Avo::Actions::DummyAction], style: :primary, color: :slate, label: "Runnables" if Fish.count > 0
action Avo::Actions::DummyAction, style: :primary, color: :fuchsia, icon: "heroicons/outline/globe" if Fish.count > 0
attach_button label: "Attach one Fish"
create_button label: "Create a new and fresh Fish"

-> Row controls
On the Index
view the on the end of each table row the default configuration contains the order_controls
, edit_button
, detach_button
, and delete_button
To start customizing the controls, add a row_controls
block and start adding the desired controls.
The controls you customize here will be displayed on the grid view too.
class Avo::Resources::Fish < Avo::BaseResource
self.row_controls = -> do
action Avo::Actions::ReleaseFish, label: "Release #{}", style: :primary, color: :blue,
icon: "heroicons/outline/hand-raised" unless params[:view_type] == "grid"
edit_button title: "Edit this Fish now!"
show_button title: "Show this Fish now!"
delete_button title: "Delete this Fish now!", confirmation_message: "Are you sure you want to delete this Fish?"
actions_list style: :primary, color: :slate, label: "Actions" unless params[:view_type] == "grid"
action Avo::Actions::ReleaseFish, title: "Release #{}", icon: "heroicons/outline/hand-raised", style: :icon
link_to "Information about #{}", "{}",
icon: "heroicons/outline/information-circle", target: :_blank, style: :icon

Controls ​
A control is an item that you can place in a designated area. They can be one of the default ones like back_button
, delete_button
, or edit_button
to custom ones like link_to
or action
You may use the following controls:
-> back_button
Links to a previous page. The link is not a history.back()
action. It's computed based on the parameters sent by Avo. That ensures the user has consistent hierarchical progress through the app.
Supported options ​
, title
, style
, color
, and icon
-> delete_button
Adds the appropriate destroy form. It will take into account your authorization policy rules.
Supported options ​
, title
, style
, color
, and icon
-> detach_button
Adds the appropriate detach form. It's visible only on the association (has_one
) page. It will take into account your authorization policy rules.
Supported options ​
, title
, style
, color
, and icon
-> actions_list
A dropdown where the user can see and run all the actions assigned to that resource.
Supported options ​
, title
, style
, color
, icon
, include
and exclude
option ​
Filters out the specified actions.
It's used in conjunction with the action
control. For example, when you extract an action, you don't want it to be displayed in the actions_list
anymore, so you use the exclude
option to filter it out.
Example ​
actions_list exclude: DisableAccount
# Or
actions_list exclude: [ExportSelection, PublishPost]
-> list
A dropdown that displays all the specified actions and links.
Supported options ​
, title
, style
, color
and icon
Example ​
list label: "Custom Index List", icon: "heroicons/outline/cube-transparent", style: :primary, color: :slate, title: "A custom list" do
link_to "Google", "", icon: "heroicons/outline/academic-cap"
action Avo::Actions::Sub::DummyAction, icon: "heroicons/outline/globe"
link_to "", "", icon: "heroicons/outline/fire", target: :_blank

Within the list
block, the only permitted elements are link_to
and action
. For both link_to
and action
, you can include an optional icon
In addition to the icon
, the link_to
element can accept additional parameters such as target: :_blank
or rel: "noopener"
, or any other extra arguments you may want to provide for the link. These extra arguments help define specific behaviors for the link, like opening it in a new tab or ensuring security best practices are followed.
-> edit_button
-> link_to
Renders a link to a path set by you.
Supported options ​
, style
, color
, icon
, target
, data
, and class
-> action
Renders a button that triggers an action. You must provide it an Action class.
Supported options ​
, style
, color
, arguments
and icon
Example ​
action Avo::Actions::DisableAccount
action Avo::Actions::DisableAccount, arguments: { hide_some_fields: true }
action Avo::Actions::ExportSelection, style: :text
action Avo::Actions::PublishPost, color: :fuchsia, icon: "heroicons/outline/eye"
WARNING (NOT applicable for versions greater than 3.10.7)
When you use the action
helper in any customizable block it will act only as a shortcut to display the action button, it will not also register it to the resource.
You must manually register it with the action
class Avo::Resources::Fish < Avo::BaseResource
self.title = :name
self.show_controls = -> do
# In order to use it here
action Avo::Actions::ReleaseFish, style: :primary, color: :fuchsia, arguments: {
action_on_show_controls: "Will use this arguments"
# 👇 Also declare it here 👇
def actions
action Avo::Actions::ReleaseFish, arguments: {
action_from_list: "Will use this arguments"
-> default_controls
There are times when you just want to add a link before or after the default controls and don't want to re-add them all. Avo's got you covered! default_controls
to the rescue.
self.show_controls = -> do
# This link will be added before all other controls.
link_to "View on site", post_path(record), target: :_blank

Control Options ​
Some controls take options. Not all controls take all options. Example: The link_to
control is the only one that will take the target
option, but most other controls use the class
-> title
-> style
-> color
Sets the color
attribute for the Avo::ButtonComponent
Possible values ​
Can be any color of Tailwind`s default color pallete as a symbol.
-> icon
Sets the icon for that button.
Possible values ​
Any Heroicon you want. You must specify the style of the heroicon like so heoricons/outline/academic-cap
or heroicons/solid/adjustments
-> target
Sets the target for that control. So whatever you pass here will be passed to the control.
Possible values ​
, :_top
, :_self
-> class
Default values ​
If you're curious what are the default controls Avo adds for each block, here they are:
# show controls
# form (edit & new) controls
# index controls
# row controls
Conditionally hiding/showing actions ​
Actions have the visible
block where you can control the visibility of an action. In the context of show_controls
that block is not taken into account, but you can use regular if
statements because the action declaration is wrapped in a block.
class Avo::Resources::Fish < Avo::BaseResource
self.show_controls = -> do
back_button label: "", title: "Go back now"
# visibility conditional
if record.something?
action Avo::Actions::ReleaseFish, style: :primary, color: :fuchsia, icon: "heroicons/outline/globe"
edit_button label: ""