Fields are the backbone of a Resource
. Through fields you tell Avo what to fetch from the database and how to display it on the Index
, Show
, and Edit
Avo ships with various simple fields like text
, textarea
, number
, password
, boolean
, select
, and more complex ones like markdown
, key_value
, trix
, tags
, and code
Declaring fields
You add fields to a resource through the fields
method using the field DATABASE_COLUMN, as: FIELD_TYPE, **FIELD_OPTIONS
def fields
field :name, as: :text
The name
property is the column in the database where Avo looks for information or a property on your model.
That will add a few fields in your new Avo app.
On the Index
and Show
views, we'll get a new text column of that record's database value. Finally, on the Edit
and New
views, we will get a text input field that will display & update the name
field on that model.
Specific methods for each view
The fields
method in your resource is invoked whenever non-specific view methods are present. To specify fields for each view or a group of views, you can use the following methods:
view -> index_fields
view -> show_fields
/ update
views -> edit_fields
/ create
views -> new_fields
You can also register fields for a specific group of views as follows:
/ show
views -> display_fields
/ update
/ new
/ create
views -> form_fields
When specific view fields are defined, they take precedence over view group fields. If neither specific view fields nor view group fields are defined, the fields will be retrieved from the fields
The below example use two custom helpers methods to organize the fields through display_fields
and form_fields
def display_fields
def form_fields
tool Avo::ResourceTools::CityEditor, only_on: :forms
# Notice that even if those fields are hidden on the form, we still include them on `form_fields`.
# This is because we want to be able to edit them using the tool.
# When submitting the form, we need this fields declared on the resource in order to know how to process them and fill the record.
def tool_fields
with_options hide_on: :forms do
field :name, as: :text, help: "The name of your city", filterable: true
field :population, as: :number, filterable: true
field :is_capital, as: :boolean, filterable: true
field :features, as: :key_value
field :image_url, as: :external_image
field :tiny_description, as: :markdown
field :status, as: :badge, enum: ::City.statuses
def base_fields
field :id, as: :id
field :coordinates, as: :location, stored_as: [:latitude, :longitude]
field :city_center_area,
as: :area,
geometry: :polygon,
mapkick_options: {
style: "mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-v9",
controls: true
datapoint_options: {
label: "Paris City Center",
tooltip: "Bonjour mes amis!",
color: "#009099"
field :description,
as: :trix,
attachment_key: :description_file,
visible: -> { resource.params[:show_native_fields].blank? }
field :metadata,
as: :code,
format_using: -> {
if view.edit?
update_using: -> do
field :created_at, as: :date_time, filterable: true
In some scenarios fields require presence even if not visible
In certain situations, fields must be present in your resource configuration, even if they are hidden from view. Consider the following example where tool_fields
are included within form_fields
despite being wrapped in a with_options hide_on: :forms do ... end
For instance, when using tool Avo::ResourceTools::CityEditor, only_on: :forms
, it will render the features
field, which is of type key_value
. When the form is submitted, Avo relies on the presence of the features
field to determine its type and properly parse the submitted value.
If you omit the declaration of field :features, as: :key_value, hide_on: :forms
, Avo will be unable to update that specific database column.
Field conventions
When we declare a field, we pinpoint the specific database row for that field. Usually, that's a snake case value.
Each field has a label. Avo will convert the snake case name to a humanized version. In the following example, the is_available
field will render the label as Is available.
field :is_available, as: :boolean

If having the fields stacked one on top of another is not the right layout, try the resource-sidebar.
A more complex example
class Avo::Resources::User < Avo::BaseResource
def fields
field :id, as: :id
field :first_name, as: :text
field :last_name, as: :text
field :email, as: :text
field :active, as: :boolean
field :cv, as: :file
field :is_admin?, as: :boolean
The fields
method is already hydrated with the current_user
, params
, request
, view_context
, and context
variables so you can use them to conditionally show/hide fields
class Avo::Resources::User < Avo::BaseResource
def fields
field :id, as: :id
field :first_name, as: :text
field :last_name, as: :text
field :email, as: :text
field :is_admin?, as: :boolean
field :active, as: :boolean
if current_user.is_admin?
field :cv, as: :file