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Views performance

Log ViewComponent loading times and allocations

Sometimes, you may want to track the loading times and memory allocations of ViewComponents, similar to how you do with partials. Follow these two steps to enable this functionality.

1. Enable ViewComponent Instrumentation

First, you need to enable instrumentation for ViewComponents. Add the following configuration to your application.rb or development.rb file:

# application.rb or development.rb
config.view_component.instrumentation_enabled = true

2. Add Logging

Next, set up logging to capture the performance data. Create or update the config/initializers/view_component.rb file with the following code:

# config/initializers/view_component.rb
module ViewComponent
  class LogSubscriber < ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber
    define_method :'!render' do |event|
      info do
        message = +"  Rendered #{event.payload[:name]}"
        message << " (Duration: #{event.duration.round(1)}ms"
        message << " | Allocations: #{event.allocations})"

ViewComponent::LogSubscriber.attach_to :view_component
View Component logging


Enabling this logging can negatively impact your application’s performance. We recommend using it in the development environment or disabling it in production once you have completed debugging.