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Map view

Some resources that contain geospatial data can benefit from being displayed on a map. For resources to be displayed to the map view they require a coordinates field, but that's customizable.

Enable map view

To enable map view for a resource, you need to add the map_view class attribute to a resource. That will add the view switcher to the Index view.

Avo view switcher
class Avo::Resources::City < Avo::BaseResource
  # ...
  self.map_view = {
    mapkick_options: {
      controls: true
    record_marker: -> {
        latitude: record.coordinates.first,
        longitude: record.coordinates.last,
    table: {
      visible: true,
      layout: :right


You need to add the mapkick-rb (not mapkick) gem to your Gemfile and have the MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable with a valid Mapbox key.


The options you pass here are forwarded to the mapkick gem.


This block is being applied to all the records present in the current query to fetch the coordinates of off the record.

You may use this block to fetch the coordinates from other places (API calls, cache queries, etc.) rather than the database.

This block has to return a hash compatible with the PointMap items. Has to have latitude and longitude and optionally tooltip, label, or color.


This is the configuration for the adjacent table. You can set the visibility to true or false, and set the position of the table :top, :right, :bottom, or :left.


Available since version 3.10.3

Allow to define extra markers. The extra_markers block is executed in the ExecutionContext and should return an array of hashes.

For each extra marker, you can specify a label, tooltip, and color.

self.map_view = {
  # ...
  extra_markers: -> do
        latitude: 37.780411,
        longitude: -25.497047,
        label: "Açores",
        tooltip: "São Miguel",
        color: "#0F0"
  # ...
Map extra markers

Make it the default view

To make the map view the default way of viewing a resource on Index, we have to use the default_view_type class attribute.

class Avo::Resources::City < Avo::BaseResource
  self.default_view_type = :map