Authentication using Rails' scaffold
In essence, the authentication scaffold that Rails 8 comes with is custom authentication so we need to do a few things to ensure it's working properly with Avo.
1. Set the current user
The scaffold uses the Current.user
thread-safe global to hold the current authenticated user so we need to tell Avo how to fetch them.
# config/initializers/avo.rb
Avo.configure do |config|
# other pieces of configuration
# tell Avo how to find the current authenticated user.
config.current_user_method do
2. Set the sign out link
The scaffold uses the SessionsController
to sign out the user so the link should be sessions_path
. We need to add that to Avo as well.
# config/initializers/avo.rb
Avo.configure do |config|
# other pieces of configuration
# tell Avo how to sign out the authenticated user.
config.sign_out_path_name = :session_path
3. Ensure only authenticated users are allowed on Avo
Now, here comes the part which might seem unfamiliar but it's actually pretty standard.
The scaffold adds the Authentication
concern to your ApplicationController
which is great. We will add it to Avo's ApplicationController
and also add the before_action
, but instead of just appending it wil will prepend it so we can ensure it will be fired as soon as possible in the request lifecycle.
Since require_authentication
runs in the Avo context, it's necessary to delegate the new_session_path
to the main_app
to ensure proper routing.
# app/controllers/avo/application_controller.rb
module Avo
class ApplicationController < BaseApplicationController
include Authentication
delegate :new_session_path, to: :main_app
# we are prepending the action to ensure it will be fired very early on in the request lifecycle
prepend_before_action :require_authentication
If you don't have the app/controllers/avo/application_controller.rb
file present in your app, you can eject it using this command:
rails generate avo:eject --controller application_controller